Monday 25 July 2011


Anyone went to  MTV WorldStage 2011 yesterday? ME!!! ^.~

The concert were held at i-City,Shah Alam 
When I reached i-city around 2 pm, there were already bunch of people there.
Some were expressing their artistry skill on the placards writing their supportive love words, 
and some were queuing under the hot sun and I decided to join them sun-bathing 
since I will be in the regular zone,which literally mean War Zone..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The artist that have been invited for this year is :

  • BEAST (main reason why i went there)!!
  • Neon Trees
  • 30 sec to mars

Early of the concert, VJ Holly and Utt (gile hensem mamat nie XD) 
said sumtin like "we came here to have fun,so please cheer for any performance up here".
And that is what we did. I'm not a fan of Pop Shuvit. 
Never had the interest on them honestly, 
but I cheered and rocking with the music when they were on stage . 

While waiting for next stage,i was like "bile turn BEAST nie?? krrrrr~~kaki dh penat ni =.='"
then i saw few staff started to push the drum/mic stand away from the stage..
i know it right away it was BEAST turn after this..
*only my sis knew how excited i am" LOL!!~~
Sooo~ happy cuz we manage to get our self near to the stage's quite near lar.. >.< 
then danggg!!! BEAST performance start!!
they sang Shock > fiction > on rainy days > special > breath > beautiful...

credit MTV asia

After they sang fiction,actually they were trying to introduce themselves
but only Gikwang did(?) O.O
the rest doesn't get the chance cuz the instrumental
for the song 'On rainy days' already being played~~*stupid sound manager* =P
Luckily, Dongwoon got the chance to speak at the end of their performance..
Dongwoon  English ^__^ *so cute huh?? >.<

Then that's it, they left the stage so do i..LOL!! 
i think the concert will turn out wild when 30sec to mars onstage...
so,my sister and i decided to go back home early..
we stopped at KFC because we need water!!!! 
bought 3 cup (L) of water...
n we finished it in a flash~~ keke =) *giler dahage*

i do have fun there..
BEAST was aweSOOM ^^
Gargghh and JUNHYUNG  is like super hot!
I couldn't stop screaming! Lol

*credit to fatin sbb knlkn b2st kt ak ;p*

For those who missed this stage,
you just gotta tune in to the on-air premiere of 
MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia 2011 on August 8, 2011,
Monday, 10pm 

that's all~~see ya!!! ^_^ 


  1. hahaha eksaited kau.kalau aku pon same wei haha.amacam perasaan berdepan dgn abg2 beast?kagum bukan?hahahahahaha

  2. giler gler kot..pulak dpt duk agak depan kn..^^
    kalo korg de sure meriah weyh...doojoon point kt area ktorg 2 masing >.<

  3. hahaha aku kalau ade sekali kat situ, mmg aku tolak semua ke tepi ke tepi hahaha.dapat peluh kikwang setitis dua pon jadik aa. hahahaha desperate XD
    wahh syok seyh doojoon poin kat korang. tah ble nak rase idol tunjuk kat aku lak haha

  4. LOL!! kt peluh setitik 2 tu... ak rase sape yg smbut dorg kt KLIA tu lg untung kot...

    kwn ak dpt salam gikwang!!!! giler

  5. seorang abang rase sgt tension apabila melihat adiknye membuat entry diblog beliau dalam bahasa inggeris!! #awkwardmoment

  6. nice blog syg~ =)))
